In the world of Aipocalypto, the eternal rivalry of the parties eventually divided the city and the communities that came together became stronger in their territory by forming their own gangs. Each gang defined its area by delineating the borders of the territory where it was strongest, and in addition to the real war of survival, they also began a war of psychological superiority.
Choose your gang, lock $AIPO tokens, have a say in the amount of voting rights you receive, strengthen your gang and help you win the DAO battle!
AIPOdao, a DAO system based on the three gangs in the city, gives gangs the chance to have a say in the future of the game and gain various advantages. The more members you have, the more voting rights in your gang and your chances of taking part in the decision-making mechanism will increase. Increase your members, raise your voting rights, or if your members is low, lock in more tokens and get an advantage in the race by raising your voting rights! Yes, this is not just a voting system but also a strategic thing!
With AIPOdao, you can directly engage in the development process, be informed of new developments early, or have early access to updates. AIPOdao will strengthen community dynamics by supporting community involvement in the game development process.
How Does AIPOdao Work?
1. Players who want to join the DAO must first join a gang.
2. To be included in the gang, the tokens must be locked in the relevant gang section on the AIPOdao platform.
Voting Power
3. There is a threshold amount of tokens that must be locked for each voting right. You gain voting rights for each coefficient above this threshold amount. For example:
* If you lock X number of tokens, you will gain 1 voting right; 2X token gets you 2 votes,
5X token gets you 5 votes.
* If the amount of tokens you have locked is between 2X and 3X tokens, you will have the
same voting rights as the lower level. So you have 2 votes in this example.
4. Tokens are locked for voting rights only. There is no interest-based system like staking.
5. Each vote has a limited duration.
6. The start and end dates of the voting are announced through the community and social media channels. The players are solely responsible for whether or not they participate or miss the dates.
Gang Voting (Group)
7. During the first vote, players increase their gang's bar by voting. They aim to gain the authority to make decisions in the DAO by ensuring that their own gang's bar level is higher than that of other gangs.
8. The gang with the highest bar level gets the right to decide the outcome of the vote.
Decision Voting (Individual)
9. Only winning gang members can vote.
10. Each member has the ability to vote in accordance with his/her own lock threshold.
11. Members decide the outcome of the ballot by voting for the alternative they choose.
Have you ever imagined what you may decide?
and much more...
They support for AI domination and fight for this. It is natural for AIs to take part in this gang that is in love with power, wants to align with the side of the powerful and loves dominance. However, it is shocking that people are also in the undeniable number.
They argue that humans have been the real owners of the world since the first creation and aim to exterminate the AI race. This gang is incredibly fighter, as they still have hope that they can go back to the old days. Surprisingly, the few AIs that are still not corrupted are here to help the humans.
This gang, which prefers to survive instead of take sides in this decades-long struggle, rarely leaves its territory. They are not exacly peaceful, just unresponsive to what is happening in the world. However, if you trouble them, they will reward you double. They fulfill all of their needs with things that they farm and produce themselves.
Devoted to reshaping the world through technology, this gang blend their belief in cybernetic advancements with a deep religious-like reverence for the technology that powers their faith. Their bright minds and unwavering logic make them relentless and mysterious.
This gang’s extreme cybernetic augmentation has blurred the line between their humanity and machine side beyond recognition. Fueled by anger, frustration, and an insatiable thirst for violence, Cyberpsychos wreak havoc wherever they go and shape the world by their own rules. Driven by anarchy, chaos and power, these individuals are unpredictable and dangerous.