"BET"ter Fight
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We're ready to bring more excitement to the fights! The way to earn more AIX Money is to rise up in the league, and the way to rise up faster in the league is via "BET"ter Fight! If you have full confident, place your bet, win the fight and double your MMR Score! "BET"ter Fight makes competitive gameplay more thrilling and interesting by allowing players the chance to wager on whether they will win before the fight begins.
Before the game begins, the system asks the players whether they want to place a bet on themselves.
There is no obligation to place a bet. The players can choose to bet that they will win, or pass if they are not sure.
Bets can only be placed on the “I will win” option. You can't bet that you can't win, if you have that thought, you should pass.
People can only place bets on themselves. Bets cannot be placed on the opposing side, or another player in different fight.
Placing a bet is an individual decision. Whether the opposing player bets or not does not affect the player.
While the parties place bets on themselves at the beginning of the match, they can also see whether other players have placed bets.
Bets are placed with MMR Ticket.
One MMR Ticket is used for one bet, and everyone is allowed to bet once in one match. This means that players cannot increase their MMR score by placing a second bet in the same match.
If the people who win the match bet on themselves, they will double the MMR score they would normally receive.
Since the MMR score earned from each match is different, each bet placed earns different amounts of MMR score. (double as much but different amounts)
For example: If the MMR you would normally receive from match A is X, betting on oneself and winning will result in a 2X MMR. Alternatively, if the MMR in a different match is 5X, betting on oneself and winning will result in a 10X MMR.
MMR Tickets can be found from gatcha boxes that in game and AIPOstore, also can be purchased at the AIPOstore.